The Sundarbans ( Bengali : সুন্দরবন , Shundôrbôn ) is a vast forest in the coastal region of the Bay of Bengal which is one of the natural wonders of the world. Located in the delta region of Padma , Meghna and Brahmaputra river basins, this unique forest area extends across Khulna , Satkhira , Bagerha t , Patuakhali and Barguna districts. The Sundarbans is the largest forested forest in the world, as the largest mangrove forest in the coastal environment. Sunderbans, which has a population of 6,017 sq km in[ [1] ] 10,000 square kilometers, [2] is in Bangladesh . In 1997, Sundarban was recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Site . The Bangladesh and Indian part of it is in fact an adjacent part of the uninterrupted landmark, but the list of UNESCO World Heritage List has been listed differently; In the name of "Sundarbans" and " Sundarban National Park" respectivel...